Monday, June 25, 2007


Great update from Charles, admin of SurfMargin, who just returned from the meeting in LA: "Back from LA and still a bit tired from a very hectic itinerary but started the paying out process this morning. Both meetings were very successful! We have an agreement in principal from three new partners, and I have to put everything down on paper and send a copy to the new partners, which I will do immediately after I have typed this message. Then they will release the funds to enable me to catch up with all the cashouts. I'm expecting another influx of funds today from our existing partners and will continue with the cashouts as soon as that gets credited to our STP account. The conference was good too although there were not as many attended as I hoped there would be. But several of the members were present and there were at least 6 new prospects who were very interested in joining us. There will also be some minor changes to the program such as the double bonus feature will be turned off (actually that had been switched off for a few weeks now) and a slight tweak to the profit share split that will not affect the members at all, only the admin/commission split. Another change is that there will be no weekend or bank holiday cashouts. But this will only take affect after we have caught up with everything. So the rules will change to: Cashouts within 24hrs on business days only. So if you go to pending on Saturday or Sunday you can expect to be paid out on Monday. When we say Bank Holidays I'm referring to USA bank holidays and not European so keep your eye on the USA calender. This was a decision the partners made because I need some time off. The bottom line is that we are still here and still paying out and our intention is to be here for a very long time. I will spend the rest of this week playing catch up and bringing resources on line to push us into the next level". I'm really satisfied with this update though I haven't got paid yet. My payout to e-gold is still pending but Charles assured me: "I paid quite a lot of e-gold payments out this morning. I'm sorry if yours wasn't one of them but I will get round to everyone soon. STP has opened up for transfers to and from e-gold so I will be transferring funds to pay more e-gold soon". From MMG forum I noticed that many members had been paid today and happy to reupgrade again so I have got nothing to do but wait for my turn to come.

The game is probably over for Infinite Multiplicity. The fact that admin has made no updates today can give us the clear evidence that this scammer probably hopes to suck in more money before closing the website and his excuses are just ridiculous. I hate such type of admins most. They keep silence and then go out with another stinky excuse. And the most awful thing is there are too many cheerleaders on forums still trying to defend them from members' anger. Anyway their behavior is simply dreadful.

The site of Dividend Ltd. is online again after a week of DDOS-attack but payouts are not automatic anymore so maybe it's just a trick to gather more money and then disappear so be careful with this one. RussoProject website is now under severe DDOS-attack as well and admin is trying to get the things back to normal. Anyway I got paid from RussoProject today and I'm in profit already. I think that in order to succeed they need to install anti-DDOS protection immediately. The competitors are always here to destroy good programs. I agree that some DDOS-attacks can be fake but the fact that admin is trying to pay his members even being offline shows his dedication. Also I got paid interest and some ref commissions from M Investment today.

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